26 Aug Help us find Mickey!
Below are a few quick updates about our work to save abandoned, abused dogs and cats in our community....
Below are a few quick updates about our work to save abandoned, abused dogs and cats in our community....
Incredible "Tail" With the daily news so full of troubling headlines, I thought you might appreciate an uplifting story today! I’d love to tell you about our sweet Peetey, a GARC pup who’s incredible "tail" -- pun intended -- will make you smile. As a certified therapeutic dog, Peetey...
Our work makes a big impact in saving animals’ lives. Consider Lily, a kitten whose mama was abandoned by her owner when she became pregnant at just six months of age. Without veterinary care and with barely any food on the streets, Lily’s mama was...
Grieving Widow comforted by a Fur Baby! TC who was once homeless and scrounging for food but now has a forever home is providing comfort and love to his new mama who lost the love of her life. Margaret lost the love of her life to pulmonary...
[caption id="attachment_1067" align="aligncenter" width="290"] George[/caption] Celebrating life well lived and GARC existence! George had a horrible beginning but had a happy ending. George was born on the street and barely survived until GARC rescued him at a young age. Although George suffered from FIV, he was with...
Grace Animal Rehab Center and You could win Big this Holidays Season! Aug. 10 to Sep. 23, 2020. Adopters with winning stories will earn up to a $1,000 Petco shopping spree and a prize pack including BOBS from Skechers shoes! GARC will also get the opportunity to...
Richard was dying from hunger until we came to his rescued. He was extremely frightened that we can't get near to him. We fed him to gain his trust for many months. When he allowed us to pet him and bring him inside, we took him to get veterinary care. Now he has a forever family who love him and whom he loves as well. Donate to help more animals like Richard.
[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ww4oj4qISHk[/embed]As a cat lover and cat owner, I enjoy their companionship and care for their overall welfare. I panicked when one of my cats get lost. Here is what I did to get my cat back quickly! Closer Than You Think. One winter during a cold Christmas...
Hanka is a cat that was dumped by her owner at two months old and left to fend for herself. She was rescued when she was about two years old. Before that, she was fed by the owner of Rock Creek Herbs and Vitamin Store...