04 Oct Simba is in constant excruciating pain

Simba is in constant excruciating pain because his tail was degloved while he was homeless.
We were able to slowly build his trust through our food outreach program. Through feeding and kind interaction, Simba allowed us to take him off the streets so we could assess his medical situation.
According to the veterinarian, the exposed bone of his tail has no skin or soft issue left, which completely devitalizes his tail.

As you know, cats use their tails to express emotion. Imagine Simba being in pain every time he wants to express his feelings.
The only treatment option for this type of injury is tail amputation. The situation is urgent and needs immediate medical intervention.
But that surgery costs $800! That’s something we do not have in our budget.
Will you consider a special gift to help Simba live pain free and to provide him with nutritious food, medical care, and shelter while he recovers and waits for his forever home?
Your donation today helps ensure Simba’s survival.
Only because of help from caring people like you, can we care for cats like Simba and other animals in need.
Thank you so much for your gift in any amount today.
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